Sunlife Organics 19 LLC

13050 San Vicente Blvd
Unit #102
Los Angeles


SUNLIFE ORGANICS 19 LLC (doing business as SUNLIFE ORGANICS) is a business in Los Angeles registered for Business Tax Registration Certificate (BTRC) with the Office of Finance of Los Angeles. The location account number is #0003453061-0001-4. The business started from November 25, 2024. The registered business location is at 13050 San Vicente Blvd
Unit #102
Los Angeles
The NAICS code is 311411 - Frozen Fruit, Juice, and Vegetable Manufacturing.

Business Information

Location Account 0003453061-0001-4
Address 13050 San Vicente Blvd
Unit #102
Los Angeles
Location Description 13050 SAN VICENTE 90049-4851
NAICS 311411: Frozen Fruit, Juice, and Vegetable Manufacturing
North American Industry Classification System
Council District 11
Location Start Date 2024-11-25

Restaurant and Hotel Inspections

Facility ID FA0040978
Facility Name NAGAO
Program Name NAGAO
Address 13050 San Vicente Blvd
Los Angeles
CA 90049
Inspection Date 2019-11-05
Score 90

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Location Information

Street Address 13050 SAN VICENTE BLVD
Unit #102
State CA
Zip Code 90049-4851

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Address: 13050 San Vicente Blvd, Unit #108, Los Angeles, 90049-4851
Location Start Date: 2017-03-23
Address: 13050 San Vicente Blvd, Unit #208, Los Angeles, 90049-4852
Location Start Date: 2019-01-12
Address: 13050 San Vicente Blvd, Unit #208, Los Angeles, 90049-4852
Location Start Date: 2017-01-01
Address: 13050 San Vicente Blvd, Unit #102-103, Los Angeles, 90049-4851
Location Start Date: 2012-01-01
Address: 13050 San Vicente Blvd, Unit #112, Los Angeles, 90049-4851
Location Start Date: 2023-09-30
Address: 13050 San Vicente Blvd, Unit #207, Los Angeles, 90049-4852
Location Start Date: 2011-09-01
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Dataset Information

This dataset includes over 150 thousands businesses registered with the Office of Finance of the City of Los Angeles. A business within the City of Los Angeles must register for a Business Tax Registration Certificate (BTRC). Each business is registered with location account number, legal business name, doing business as (DBA) name, location, mailing address, industry code, business start date, etc.

Subject Administration and Finance
Jurisdiction City of Los Angeles, State of California
Data Provider Los Angeles Office of Finance

Dataset Details

All individuals and companies doing business within the City of Los Angeles must register their business for a Business Tax Registration Certificate (BTRC) with the City Office of Finance and pay business taxes each year. This applies to any business that is physically located within the City limits or the business owner or his employees conducts business within the City limits.

A new business registration needs the following information: Legal Business Name, Business Name/Doing Business As, Business Start Date, Business Type, Primary Business Address, Mailing Address, Business Contact Information, Sales Tax Number and Business/Professional Activity Code. The business actitivity professions include Arts, Entertainment and Recreation, Construction Contractor, Finance and Insurance, Food Establishments and Sales, Health Care and Social Assistance, Internet Service Providers, Web Search Portals and Data Processing Services, Manufacturing, Radio, Television, Cable, Multimedia, Motion Picture and Sound Recording, Real Estate & Rental & Leasing, Services, Telecommunications and Utilities, Transportation and Warehousing.

This dataset includes current and previously registered businesses and trades. The registered information for each business includes location account number, legal business name, doing business as (DBA) name, business address, mailing address, industry code, business start date and end date, etc.

The City of Los Angeles has a dedicated site of Open Data Portal offering direct access to live and continuously updated data, driving innovation and improve the quality of City services. The Open Data Portal is the City's repository for data, created to support the free flow of information and contribute to the democratic process through nonconventional forms of community engagement such as data-sharing.